Honey Robin

Robin "Honey Robin" Mahaffey 

Robin "Honey Robin" Mahaffey brings her smooth and sultry voice to the blues! When you think sensual songstress, think Honey Robin.

With a background in Opera, Swing and R&B, plus a long life full of adventures - and yes I call "adventure" traveling all over the world, starting a 30 year marriage at age 18, living a very "basic" year in a school bus on Vashon Island, WA (hey, it was the '80s), taking a 20,226 mile solo ride on her bright red Harley in only 126 days (yes, she was alone on that ride, and she was 54 at the time), travel taking her all over the world, and also working a unique combination of jobs like antique dealer, magazine designer and nuclear plant Accountability Supervisor (nuclear plants!!!)...and all of the other life, love, trust, betrayal, rich, poor...well, all of the things in a life that makes up the blues is what makes this music Honey Robin's home now.

Now if that mile long statement has you a little out of breath, get ready to catch a new one when you hear her sing - life's patina has only sweetened her sound.The sultry and sizzling vocals of classically trained Honey Robin, and her moody renditions will take you to that place where hearts are soaring and crying comes easy.

Don't miss her sizzling cuts, "Ready for Times" and "Hole in My Heart", on RJ Knapp & Honey Robin's hot new CD called "Don't Blame the Dynamite!", and catch some wicked, rocking blues in her live performances!

Honey Robin Hugs!


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